Charming Book Clips
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Pewter & Silverplate
Enamel, Crystal, Pearl
Customizable Bookmarks
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Pewter & Silverplate
Enamel, Crystal, Pearl
Customizable Bookmarks
Angel Wing with Pave Crystals Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Saguaro Flowering Cactus bookmark - Attach special clip to book cover, then mark your page with the ribbon. Never lose your bookmark!
Dolphin attachable bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Frog attachable bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Passport Travel Wanderlust attachable bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Skull and Cross Bones Pirate attachable bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Butterfly Monarch attachable bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Owl Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Lightning Bolt Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Anchor Boating Naval Nautical Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Gnome attachable bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Custom Enamel, Crystal or Pearl accented charm Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page!
Birds Nest cute bookmark, unique design - Attach special clip to book cover, then mark your page with the ribbon. Never lose your bookmark!
Owl book lover Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Lotus Yoga Meditation Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Four Leaf Clover, Lucky Irish Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
High Heel Shoe Elegant Fashion Charm Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark!
Honey Bee, Bee Keeper Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Photographer Camera Attachable Bookmark - Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
Camper Attachable Bookmark Camping Glamping RV Gift–Special clip attaches to cover, ribbon marks your page, never lose your bookmark again!
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